Friday, January 11, 2013

An Indestructible Life


Time is not really spent. It is invested in a future we cannot see. The Bible speaks of time and seasons.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (Msg)
 There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on earth...

Your days are ruled by the clock. The choices that you make with each tick of the clock will shape your future. Time can sometimes feel unimportant. Struggling with the mundane routines of life can be seen as a “waste of time.” Maybe you don't feel like you're experiencing the life you dreamed of. You operate in survival mode instead of passionately living.

Anonymous. Forgotten. Hidden. Have you ever felt this way?  Once you had a position or title – in your home, neighborhood, crew, family, job, etc. Now you might be unimportant and unconsidered. Invisible.

Concealed for months, years, or decades, you might think that your potential is in hibernation like a bear in winter. And as time passes, you wonder if Spring will ever awaken it again.

All of us are acquainted with chapters in life when our visible fruitfulness is pruned back and our strengths and abilities are unnoticed by the watching world.

God Himself sees you. Here, today, He sees each and every one of you. God appreciates the visible and invisible equally – He values you no more than He values me. God never wastes anyone’s time.

Right now, we can only see the tip of the iceberg of who you are. But did you know that arctic scientists tell us that only 1/8 to 1/10 of an iceberg is actually visible? As much as 90% is submerged in the UNSEEN. Because of their enormous masses, icebergs are virtually indestructible.

10% visible + 90% unseen = an indestructible life.

The most influential life in all of history reflected the iceberg equation. 90% of Jesus’ life on earth was spent in obscurity. 10% of His earthly life was spent in the public eye. All of His life was, and is, indestructible.

Jesus’ first three decades were mostly unrecorded, but they were not uneventful. During these 29 invisible years Jesus submitted to a delayed destiny. A God-sized mission pulsed in His heart, but He wasn’t free to proclaim it or pursue it. Onlookers only saw the tip of the iceberg of who Jesus truly was. Yet indestructible greatness was growing within Him during this time.

John 7:40-42
40 On hearing his words, some of the people said, “Surely this man is the Prophet.” 41 Others said, “He is the Christ.” Still others asked, “How can the Christ come from Galilee? 42 Does not the Scripture say that the Christ will come from David’s family[a] and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?”

Matthew 13:54-57
54 Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed.“Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?56 Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they took offense at him.

What good thing can come out of  Brea, Covina, San Dimas, Whittier, etc? A lot. I have seen it.

When we state our desire to be more like Jesus, we are not referring to Jesus’ hidden years right? We are not saying, “I want to live 90% of my life in obscurity!”?
  • Our desire to be like Jesus cannot include an exemption clause. Jesus’ character and authority were built over TIME, a time largely unrecorded and uneventful.
Jesus appears to have walked unstressed and unhurried. His peaceful pace seems to imply that He measured Himself by whom He was following and how closely they walked together.
  • God was Jesus’ primary pursuit.
  • Just like Jesus, when God calls your soul simultaneously to greatness and obscurity, the fruit – if you WAIT for it – can change the world.
Imagine a 2-story house. It’s beautiful from the outside. But the beauty of the exterior is only possible if the interior is strong. The unglamorous guts of the house are what give it strength to build on and survive. All of the plumbing, duct work, and support beams are “hidden”. If the “unseen” is carefully attended to, the visible can expand on a trustworthy foundation.

Though unpopular, your TIME in this season does not need to be unproductive. Within the walls of your workplace, home, school and church, God houses the guts of a fruitful future. Here, in the poorly lit crawl space of life, God wants to build within you a sturdy support system for your soul. If you do not respect His craftsmanship in this “hidden season” all that is visible in your life will rest on a fragile foundation, and eventually you’ll experience collapse.Jesus’ hidden years established a foundation in His life. He resisted rushing and took the TIME to live them well.

When Jesus entered the wilderness each layer of temptation would rest on its predecessor (like the second floor of a house rests on the first floor) with double or triple the full weight bearing down on Jesus' hidden foundation. His foundation was secure, so no amount of temptation on the planet could crush Him.

Every choice we make is an investment into a future we cannot see.

And now comes the major understatement of the Bible…
Matthew 4:2
After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.

In Jesus’ state of hunger,
Matthew 4:3-4
The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Lures are tempting, attractive baits used to trap someone or something. Think of Satan’s lures as tasty treats offered on a camouflaged hook.

Satan did not care any more about Jesus having a piece of bread than He did about Eve having a piece of fruit. He still doesn’t care whether we crave food, money, sex or control. He focuses on the HOOK, and whatever fleeting pleasure we experience is worth it from his perspective as long as in the end he gets the hook into us.

In this layer of temptation, Jesus was hungry, and what Satan basically said was, “What are you waiting for? Do something about it! Satisfy your need now!” Satan didn’t suggest that Jesus steal food – that would have broken one of God’s commandments. But eating? Food in itself isn’t sinful. And here is where Satan’s lures can be deceptive. This wasn’t about WHAT Jesus ate, as much as it was about WHEN Jesus would eat. Would Jesus obey God even when obedience required delayed satisfaction of a basic human need?
  • Satan’s most effective lure is: immediate gratification. Feel familiar? In our day, we are unapologetically addicted to the immediate – why should we wait when it is within or power not to?
    • Which is EXACTLY the question Satan posed before Jesus.
 Concentrating our attention on the tasty treat dangled before us is unwise. This is the fatal mistake Eve made. She didn’t throw out an anchor to stabilize herself. Instead, she tried to navigate temptation with her desires and passions leading the way.

Don’t fall prey to the lie of just one. We disconnect the moment of temptation from all other moments because we rationalize that just this once….
  • You give in. Pleasure can anesthetize us against that taste temporarily, but when it wears off, the pain and shame reconnect you with reality.
    • Jesus did NOT succumb to the hook or the lie of just one. Nor did He trust His emotions to navigate Himself through Satan’s temptings.
    • In the place of temptation, Jesus threw out a hook of His own – an ANCHOR that caught in something immovable – the Word of God.
Matthew 4:4
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

God’s Word is not merely our anchor in temptation, it is the anchor of our existence.

When tempted in the layer of appetite, of something you crave, it may sincerely feel as though we will die if our cravings are not satisfied.Something does die when we re-position our feelings behind God’s truth and refuse to let appetite rule: OURSELVES.

Jesus wasn’t in DENIAL about how He felt (He wasn’t chanting “I’m not hungry!”) – but internally what He was saying was, “There is something I need more than food: my life is sustained by God’s Word”)

Victory wasn’t on hold waiting for Jesus’ feelings of hunger to disappear. Instead, victory was waiting for Jesus to reposition His felt appetite behind God’s eternal will.

Remember that feelings were designed to FOLLOW not to LEAD. So when God’s will and word take the drivers seat in our lives, our feelings and desires are free to follow.
Today’s decisions foreshadow tomorrow’s challenges and reflect yesterday’s choices. Follow Jesus’ example – lean into God during the barren seasons of your life. The result will prayerfully be an indestructible life. 


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