Saturday, October 27, 2012

An invitation to The Cause Sisterhood

Hello beautiful!

This is an invitation. To what? Keep reading and you’ll see.

At last my looooooooove has come along…

Those simple words beautifully sung by Etta James are often used to describe the moment when a man and woman fall in love. But did you know that those words were first uttered by Adam when he saw his wife Eve for the first time?

Genesis 2:21-23 says, “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “’This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this one was taken.”’

When Adam laid eyes on his bride for the first time, his words let her know that he had longed for her presence (…at last!), reassured her that she was perfectly created for him (…bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh!) and forever identified her with a name of honor (…Woman!). Adam’s heart had not yet been touched by sin. His image, character and words reflected His Father’s…think about that. Adam’s words give voice to his Father’s heart for us – as women, we are His crown of creation that He desperately loves.
Love, identity and honor characterize the first woman God created. As His daughters, we have a responsibility to understand and live out this truth. Are you living with the “heart knowledge” that you are loved by the Lord? Do the words written above captivate and move you or do they bring a tear to your eyes? If the latter is true, we have more in common than you might realize.

I prayed a simple prayer over a year ago and asked God to show me the extravagance of His love. He did…but it was not in the way I expected. When you experience pain like I have, it numbs you. Loving people who love you can be easy, but loving your enemies like the Bible commands is literally impossible. As least it was for me. So, to my surprise, God helped me love others first. When my desperation for God outweighed my hatred for those who hurt me, forgiveness came easily. That was my first revelation of God’s love – it forgives. God helped me to see that I was treasuring hatred in my heart because my pain justified it. (Where your treasure is there your heart will be…) I was so wrong. He alone is our righteous judge and by letting go of my hatred, I made room in my heart for His love to finally take up residence. For the first time in my life I am living loved.

Genesis 2:21 says “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man…” The word “cause” here in Hebrew is naphal. It means “to lie prostrate.” This is the first time this word is used in this context in the Bible. When Adam was on his face, (prostrate) in God’s presence, only then was God able to create something beautiful (Eve). Part of my journey involved something very similar. I had to humble myself, get on my knees face-down at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to create something new from me. I got a heart transplant! My old one was so damaged that it was beyond repair. There was no amount of therapy, pills, or good intentions that could change it. God had to. But I had to “naphal” in His presence first.

Our church was founded on the verse in John 18:37 where Jesus says “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” In this verse the word “cause” in Greek is erchomai. It means “to come into being, arise, come forth, show itself, find place or influence.”  Isn’t it interesting that the first time God uses the word “cause” in Genesis it means to lie prostrate? But here, Jesus is telling Pilate that His “cause”, (erchomai) is to arise and bear witness to the truth! The first Adam was lying prostrate (naphal) before God so that He could create woman; Jesus, the second Adam, isn’t lying down, but has risen to a place of influence (erchomai) to show His girls the truth – that He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who loved and created us! Hallelujah!  

When Adam reassured Eve that she was perfect just the way she was created (“bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”) he was echoing what God wants us to hear – you are loved just as you are. The creation of woman at last, fully satisfied not only Adam, but God. Together, man and woman reflect God’s image. Matthew Henry’s commentary says that God’s choice of a rib to create Eve, was “not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”  We were literally created to come alongside, to be loved and cherished. Pastor Bob often says, “God loves you and He likes you.” This simple statement is so profound. You’re worthy of God’s love, and you’re also worthy of a man’s love – just as you are! Remember that God created you in His image. Your identity is not what you see in the mirror, it’s what lies within your heart. Do you believe that?

And most of all, you were created to be honored. Women were always a part of God’s plan. Honor is given because of a title (President Barak Obama is given honor), because of an achievement (Steve Jobs is given honor because of his contributions to technology), or because of who created you (the Mona Lisa is given honor and value because of her creator, Leonardo DiVinci). You are MOST worthy of honor because God created you! Mankind is worthy of honor over all of creation because we are the only things created in God’s image. The title of “woman” is one of value, royalty, and authority. You were created loved, just as you are, and as Proverbs 31:10 says “your worth is far above rubies.”  Pastor Sherry often says as women, we set the tone. Imagine what the tone or atmosphere would be like in our churches, families and workplaces if seeds of honor were sown and watered.   

This is an invitation to make room for “More Jesus” in your life. He is the answer to every ache in your heart. God has placed it on my heart to disciple a group of women in our church using Genesis 2:22 as our focus. This is in no way a leadership hierarchy; think of it more as a “Sisterhood.”  It is my prayer that together we will be women who know in our soul that we’re honored, and then honor others in return. God is calling you, His beautiful daughter, to come into a fuller realization of who you are created to be – His image bearer. His Princess. His love. Will you join us? J

Our first meeting will be on Saturday, October 20 at 8am at the church. We’ll meet twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings. In addition to this, or if you cannot attend on Saturday’s, I will be offering a “breakfast club” version of our meetings on 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings from 5:30-6:30 a.m. at my house. Bring your Bible, DNA journal and a pen. I’ll provide the rest (including coffee & a light breakfast).

As I am writing this I can hear the Lord saying, “At last, my love (that’s you!) has come along.” I hope you’ll join us!



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